SPP – distribúcia
is the owner and operator of a gas distribution network, which accounts for more than 98 % of the volumes distributed in the territory of the Slovak Republic. The company is responsible for the reliable, safe and efficient distribution of natural gas from transmission networks through gas distribution systems to end customers, and also for securing connection to the distribution network and for meter-readings of consumed natural gas.
SPP – distribúcia ensures also the sale of distribution capacities, development, operation and maintenance of gas networks, as well as gas balancing and dispatching. The dispatching control of the distribution network and measurement of gas flow at the input and output points of the distribution network are among the key tasks of SPP – distribúcia. Slovak Gas Dispatching manages the distribution network through its centre located in Bratislava as well as 4 other monitoring centres with 24/7 operation. Dispatch management and the SCADA monitoring system play an important role in distribution security and consistent gas supply for Slovak buyers. By withdrawing or injecting natural gas from/to underground storages, the company ensures the balancing of daily differences between the volume of natural gas entering the distribution system and the volume consumed by end-customers.
The total length of pipelines on all pressure levels owned by SPP – distribúcia is now over 33,300 km. The company distributes more than 98 % out of total distributed volume of natural gas in Slovakia. Over 94 % of all inhabitants of the Slovak Republic have access to natural gas, making Slovakia second in Europe in terms of gas network density. In the financial year ending July 2023 the company distributed 4.19 billion m3 of natural gas to its customers.
SPP – distribúcia plays an important role in ensuring the energy security of Slovakia by fulfilling its responsibility for securing uninterrupted supplies to households in the event of emergency situations, such as restricted gas supplies or an exceptionally cold winter.
SPP – distribúcia is a regulated legal entity. As a distribution network operator, it guarantees all entities transparent and non-discriminatory access to this network, while respecting the confidentiality of sensitive business information. In its activities the company pays systematic attention to improving the quality of services for its customers and to meeting the market requirements.
The technical safety and reliability of supplies and, at the same time, cost – efficient distribution of natural gas, represent the pillar of the core business
activities of SPP – distribúcia. Therefore, the company is continuously focused on optimizing its internal processes and individual activities with emphasis put on maintaining the safety and reliability of the gas distribution network.
SPP – distribúcia is the Slovak leader in natural gas distribution delivering its services to 25 users of the distribution network as well as over 1.5 million customers connected to the gas distribution system in the whole of Slovakia.
More on www.spp-distribucia.sk
Stredoslovenská energetika
is a multi-commodity energy supplier in Slovakia. Besides supplying electricity and gas to more than 680,000 off-take points, it also offers comprehensive solutions for improving energy efficiency, optimising demand and energy management.
SSE also operates own assets with electricity generating capacities, including one generating capacity (SSE-PD) providing ancillary services during the day, and also has its own photovoltaic capacities for electricity generation (SSE-Solar) and small hydropower plants (SSE-MVE).
Through its subsidiary company Stredoslovenská distribučná, it is the second largest regional distribution company in Slovakia.
More on www.sse.sk
EP Energy Trading
is one of the important suppliers of electricity and natural gas in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Together with its subsidiary Dobrá Energie s.r.o., it supplies energy not only to households, but also to large customers, including major companies and institutions in industry, the food sector, healthcare, state
administration and local governments, currently supplying more than 140,000 off-take points.
An advantage of EP Energy Trading. a.s. is the access to powerplants from the EP Energy group such as Elektrárny Opatovice, Plzeňská energetika and United Energy. Thanks to this, the company is a stable partner for its customers, offering certainty of keeping contract obligations. In 2022, the companies supplied its end-customers in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with more than 3.6 TWh of electricity and 3.0 TWh of natural gas.
The company has been in the market for over 15 years. Throughout that time, due to its competitive prices, professional approach, flexibility, customer focus and acquisition of Dobrá Energie, epet has established itself as the largest alternative supplier of energies on the Czech market.
More on www.epet.cz