New Study: sufficient hydrogen available within reach of the European Hydrogen Backbone

15. 6. 2021

Today, the European Hydrogen Backbone (EHB) initiative presents an analysis on future demand, supply, and transport of hydrogen across Europe. This study complements the recently published EHB maps, outlining a hydrogen pipeline network of nearly 40,000 km by 2040, connecting 19 EU Member States plus the United Kingdom and Switzerland.

  • A new study by the European Hydrogen Backbone initiative estimates 2,300 TWh of hydrogen demand in EU+UK by 2050.
  • Future demand requires large pipeline transport capacities: repurposed existing gas infrastructure plays a crucial role in connecting hydrogen supply and demand locations.
  • In addition to domestic supply, abundant natural resources and physical proximity drive the favorable economics of pipeline imports from neighboring regions (such as North Africa and Ukraine), making these regions attractive partners for future hydrogen trade.
  • Study identifies additional blue hydrogen supply potential available in CEE (Eustream already plans various green/blue hydrogen project, subject of ongoing discussions with partners).


Full report and press release is available here: